Product Feature Competitive Analysis

Resource Overview

Use this tool to analyze product or feature category leaders among your top 5 competitors.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to analyze your existing product line and determine how the competition is in the market. You are required to create a system to compare your products with those from existing companies. You will need to look into a number of factors, including the specific characteristics and features of existing products. It is important that you know where your products stand in comparison with competition.

Our Solution

We have created a Product Feature Competitive Analysis excel template which can be used as a tool to analyze products or feature category leaders among your top 5 competitors. Our template can be used to help you assess your product in comparison to your top competition.

When using this Product Feature Competitive Analysis tool, for each category you will determine whom the leader is. Once this has been completed, each product feature will be ranked from 1 to 3 stars. By using this resource, you will be able to better organize and compare your product to its competitors.

Download our free Product Development Strategy Methodology to see how this tool functions as part of a product development process.

Key Benefits

  • analyzes product features side-by-side
  • allows you to compare your features with competitors' features
  • easy-to-use Excel analysis format
  • save 2 hours on formatting
  • fully customizable


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Excel (Advanced)