Customer Journey Map Template

Resource Overview

Use this tool to visually depict the customer journey across 5 phases: Discovery/Research, Evaluation/Comparison, Decision/Purchase, Implementation, and Support/Renew.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to analyze and describe the touchpoints associated with your customer's journey by characterizing their interaction with your products and services in a visual manner. 

Our Solution

A chart tool that allows you to identify the different stages of your customer's journey across 5 phases: Discovery/Research, Evaluation/Comparison, Decision/Purchase, Implementation, and Support/Renew. Using a visually appealing chart; identify the following information for each phase of the buying process: Customer Goals, Touch Points & Emotional Response, and Customer Thoughts. After you've identified where your customer is at through each stage of the buying process you will be left with a graph showing the Overall Customer Experience.

This will help you easily identify which areas of your customer's journey you need to improve. Present this chart to your team, and brainstorm to fill out the last section of the tool: Ideas to Improve. 

Key Benefits:

  • Save 4 Hours Formatting Presentation Diagram
  • Easy to Understand, Color-Coded Framework
  • Maps out Key Phases of the Customer Journey Experience
  • Provides Important Criteria to focus on through each phase 
  • Provides an Overall Picture of your current Customer Journey Experience
  • Demonstrates Business Process Management Skills


Estimated Time Required: 8 Hours

Skills Required: Business Process Management

Microsoft PowerPoint Document